Insurance Policies are NOT all the same.
We are here to assist with ALL of Your insurance needs.

Extensive high-quality cover for Retail Businesses, Offices, Tradespersons or Manufacturing.
Property, Plant, Contents & Stock and Legal Liability [Public & Products].
Many Options for Business Interruption, Burglary, Glass, Money, Breakdown, Tools of Trade, Transit and more.
Complete solutions for Accidental Damage to Property of Buildings & Contents, Legal Liability, Loss of Rent.
Legal Expenses & Rent Default.
Residential Strata and Commercial Strata Solutions.
High-Quality protection for Home & Contents with Extensive additional Benefits and Higher Limits.
Extensive Listed Events Cover or Broad Accidental Loss or Damage cover with Automatic cover for Valuables World-Wide available.
High quality, dynamic cover with extensive benefits and only takes a few short minutes to obtain.
Instant Leisure Travel and Frequent Travelers solutions with immediate Emergency Assistance.
Annual Corporate & Company Travel [major benefits] for & Business Owners and your Employees.
Broad Liability [Public & Products] protection for You and Your Business.
Cover against Third Party Property Damage or Personal Injury.
Fine & Penalties, Statutory Liabilities, OHS, Employment Practices, Crime, Directors or Officers Breach of Duty
Extremely prevalent in today’s commercial environment and litigious society.
Extensions available for Social Engineering, Tax Audit, Employee theft and more.
Professional Indemnity for Advice Services, Design, Error or Omissions.
Medical Malpractice for Treatment exposures for Medical Practitioners or Medical Centres.
Specific IT Liability for IT Specialists combining Legal Liability and Professional Indemnity into one single policy.
Highly prevalent throughout the world in large and small businesses.
Costs for Data Breach & Theft of Information, On-going Regulatory notification Costs, Cyber Extortion, Privacy Breach, Disaster Recovery and Business Interruption. Extensions are available for Social Engineering.
Commercial Motor vehicle solutions, Trucks & Heavy Haulage, Motor Fleet benefits.
Contract Works for Property & Legal Liability for Building Trades or Owner Builders. Residential and / or Commercial.
Mobile Plant & Equipment specialist policies. Earthmoving equipment, Cranes, Plant
Property, Fencing, Hay, Machinery, Farm Vehicles, Legal Liability, Livestock, Crop and more
Pleasure Craft, Yachts, Fishing Vessels & Personal Watercraft [Jet Skis]
Extensions for Skiers Liability & Racing Liability
Household Goods in Transit, Commercial Plant, Machinery & Stock.
Commercial Exports / Imports, Domestic Sendings
Single Transit or Annual Blanket Cover, Marine Hull & Marina Liability
Minimise, mitigate and manage business risks with the help of our tailored risk management strategies and solutions. Prepare and Build your organisational resilience and help you achieve your commercial goals.
We have many tools available to offer risk management solutions that suits you and your business’s needs.

We know what you are Entitled to in any Claim. Do you?
With the security of a licenced insurance broker representative we also;
Manage your documentation
provide you with Advice
Review your products and Compare with Quality Options in the Market
Have a specialist Claims team to assist you with any claims that may arise.